Leaving Khabarovsk towards Vladivostok is an unspectacular 780 kilometres drive on a main road. Or you take a detour like we did for a more detailed exploration of the Primorye region, summing up to a bit more than 1.400 kilometres. 🙂
And honestly, it was absolutely worth it! Without too high expectation, we stumbled into one of the highlights for us in Russia on this trip. No other tourists or even related infrastructure, forest as far as you can see and beside some smaller villages not too many other people overall living in this area.
Suddenly we were able to understand why this region is home to the last remaining Amur Tigers on this planet.

Did we see one? Well, unfortunately not, even though one might have walked by our camp in the night, because we had a beautiful track in the morning not very far from camp.

So maybe a good enough reason to come back in the future?!
Even without seeing an Amur Tiger, this region is amazing. Just the drive from Khabarovsk leads you through fantastic forests. And all that by just leaving the main road towards Vladivostok.

Okay, in case it rains it might not be so much fun. We had only one rainy night but even then the roads were kind of experience next morning and our car looked quickly like a mud-hole. 😉

Still you always can find a beautiful campsite…

…or an interesting hike, like this one to the Black Shaman Falls.

Lot of “fun” and it seems the Russians do not necessarily take care about steepness or things like that when creating a hiking trail. Bit dangerous sometimes, but worth it and the landscape overall was just breath-taking (or was it the climb up?).

Want to know how we continue from here? Stay with us and you will see very soon…