There are these days were you believe that you will spent the night at a truck stop or a strange backyard as you are not able to find a great spot that meets your expectations. Well and then suddenly you find a place like this after searching for about two hours! You know that problem?! 🙂
Middle of the forest, directly next to a clear, little river, fantastic.

And what a luxury, we just bought a bucket of fresh mushrooms from the market, couple of kilometres before, so time for an excellent dinner.

Next morning we decided to continue our journey, as we were planning to explore the East coast of Lake Baikal in more detail. I do not know why, but these little ferries, like the one over the Selenga river are somehow fun (at least for us). 🙂
Not even speaking the same language, which is unfortunate as we failed in learning Russian 🙁 but still using the time to catch up with some locals. And here we clearly must admit, also here in Russia, we have met so many nice people so far. People stopping on the street to see if you need something, while you are just checking the map. Absolutely fantastic experiences so far.

And then we are there, East coast of Lake Baikal and indeed, it is much more quiet and not so touristy as the Western side. After a while we even found another great spot for our time here.

What a sunset again this evening, absolutely enjoyable. Even though the famous magic of Lake Baikal did not open up for us completely, this was wonderful.

So can it get any better after an evening like this? Maybe not! Next morning did not look by far that appealing to us as it was raining cats and dogs.

We took it as a sign for us to start heading East, direction Vladivostok. So more to come very soon…