What to write on this? Hm, if you know the movies and or the books, talking about “Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit”, just enjoy. If not, well go buy some books or watch the movies, or just enjoy without doing so (because it is still nice). 🙂
Since they filmed parts of “Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit” here, it is a pilgrim site for all fans, so we had to visit and see ourselves while being in New Zealand. Touristy? Yes, but definitely worth the visit, especially on a beautiful day like we had it.
So here you go, without further words, welcome to Hobbiton!

To conclude this post, two major learning’s from our visit in Hobbiton:
- You can get married here! So if you are not yet married, welcome to do so here. No idea on the pricing, they only told that it costs a fortune. What a surprise, but what a location.
- If you want to sleep in Bilbo’s original movie house, make friends with Sir Peter Jackson. He uses the original interior as his guest house. So if you get invited, let us know, we are happy to come by and spent some time with you there. 😉