Little “Frizzles” and “some” rain…

Just a stop at a farm for a night and I meet little “Frizzles”. Absolutely cute one, four month old, unfortunately his mum was killed by a car, but now they take care of him at the farm.


Next day we continued towards the Kennedy Range NP, what was stopped finally few kilometres before the park entrance by a river that was fast flowing and 1,4 meters deep. So we headed 180 kilometres back and will give it a try in a few days again.

For those of you who travelled with us before, here a nice story from this morning with a nice lady in a shop.

Lady: “Have you had a nice light show last night?” (we had hell of a thunderstorm)


Me: “Yes, impressive one. Is it usually raining that much at this time of the year?”


Lady: “No, we had nearly no rain for the last two years. But now we had a cyclone a week ago and lot of rain. It has not rained so much in the last 100 years here!”


Man from behind: “Not in the last 150 years!”

Well, I don’t know why this always happens when we are traveling. J


Now we are sitting in the sun again, this time in Coral Bay. Let’s see how we continue from here. Tomorrow at least we hope for some whale sharks.