Tash Rabat, an old caravanserai from the 15th century at the Old Silk Road. Well, we had plenty of them while travelling in Iran, but still, Tash Rabat is somehow special. The whole area, but also the architecture looks different, so for us worth the visit. If you just go there, not sure if it is worth the long detour, but when coming from Kel Suu Lake, why not stopping over for the night in the beautiful valley.

And on our way here we even had the pleasure with two young Marmots…

…and a huge vulture, actually the largest one we ever saw.

In the afternoon we found a beautiful spot in a small valley and as we were still travelling with Wiebke, Tobi and Finn (#Sirmobi) we decided to prepare dinner together. Karin had the wonderful idea of “Kas’spatzen” and somehow everybody was all-in for it, so we were ready to get started.
But as it sometimes goes, we got bit of delay as there was a group of travellers from Israel on a guided tour who got into trouble. Their guide got stuck with a Mercedes G and they came to ask for help, so Tobi and I had the pleasure of heading out again to help them free the stuck car.
To keep the long story short, we succeeded, as you can see. And special thanks to Tobi for the double effort, giving me direction while filming and taking photos. 🙂

Well and afterwards it was time for a well-deserved dinner and a fun evening in their spacious Bimobil cabin. 🙂

Somehow time was flying and due to the rescue mission we were not even taking camp pictures and pictures of the beautiful surrounding we staid in. So in a sense a different blog this time, not so many great photos, but a lot of well documented fun. 🙂 …and a wonderful evening!