Why should you stay in the sun, if you also can spend another night in the snow? That might have been the question on this evening around Delphi, after enjoying the sun after a couple of cold days in the North of Greece.

But we managed to find a better place, even though it did not look like in the beginning. However, back to the historic part. If you go to Greece, you surely should see also some old temples and historic places and a nice one is Delphi, with the famous oracle. In our case, we where even lucky with the weather, something not for granted during the early spring.

Another famous location, at least everybody knows the name – Olympia. Honestly, maybe a bit overrated and we would not put it on the “must see list” for Greece, but if you are around, why not stopping by and have your own opinion.

Heading further South on the Peloponnes peninsula you can also take the chance and stop by at the Apollo temple. An interesting place as it is one of the best-restored temple buildings in Greece, as we learned. Unfortunately covered by a huge tent to protect it, but a short glimpse on it is possible.

In general there is so much to see in the mountains and a lot of surprises are out there, especially after a lot of rain like we faced it in the last couple of days. Taking the first road down to the Neda Falls, we got stopped by a fresh landslide, so we had to take the detour (which was not significantly better) and after a short walk, we had the falls in front of us.

From here, heading further into the peninsula, hoping to see some more of the historic architecture but also to explore some of the Southern beaches before we had North again.