The “Unnamed Valley”, hmm, maybe a bit too much, but somehow also true, at least for us, as we could not find a name on a map for it. A great example for what kind of opportunity might come up for you by just leaving the beaten track to find […]
Bartang Valley has been indeed beautiful and in the morning we decided to go for a short hike up one of the side valleys, prior leaving towards the Wakhan Corridor. But now it was time to hit the road and see more of the famous Wakhan Corridor. Following the river […]
At the famous Iskanderkul Lake we had just a very short stop, not even pictures exist from this part. Not because it was not nice, rather because it was raining cats and dogs. So we decided to head towards Dushanbe already earlier, in the end even a wise decision. Originally […]
Somehow we slowed down, getting into Tajikistan. Day five already, and we are still at the second place, only. Remains the question, why? Well, first of all the landscape is absolutely impressive and there are so many beautiful spots and hiking opportunities, but on the other hand, the roads are […]
Tajikistan, lot of expectations and lot of interesting stuff we heart about it before and now we are here. Easy border crossing in a bit less than one hour from Uzbekistan and extremely friendly customs officers, what a surprise. We even got some recommendations where to go, well anyhow on […]
After two days in Bukhara, time was right for us to head out of the city again. After a wonderful early morning walk, we were ready to hit the street again, but still wonderful impressions from this last morning in Bukhara. Heading North towards Lake Aydarkul we decided to have […]
After nature and idyllic campsites in the Aral Sea region, it was time to explore the famous old Silk Road towns Khiva and Bukhara. Get a bit of Silk Road romantics so to say (thanks, Markus D. for using that term). 🙂 As we both are not the huge friends […]
Turkmenistan, what do you know about this country? Would guess not too much, most of us just know that it is not that well knows for its democratic structure, to state it politely. And honestly, it leaves you with a lot of question marks, ones you manage to visit. And […]
Last days in Iran, but what to do after our plans for the Dasht-e Lut failed because of the road issue mentioned in the previous post? Well, doing what we are known by some of our friends already, being flexible and changing our plans, even though it was somewhat difficult […]