Stop-over in Hong Kong on our way to New Zealand, not too bad at all. We decided to take a two-night break here instead of travelling directly onwards to New Zealand. For us sufficient time to explore the city. So we had kind of standard tourist program during our time […]
Leaving Chita in direction East means you have to follow a tar road through endless forests for about 2.000 kilometres till you end up in Khabarovsk in the Far East of Russia. Hard to imagine for us Europeans what that really means, but honestly there is not much more than […]
Time for us to head East, Vladivostok as the destination for the first part of our journey. But first we decided to explore the region around Arshan in more detail, especially as we were keen to do some hiking and stretch our legs a bit after a lot of driving […]
After couple of days in Irkutsk it was time for us to leave the city again and start enjoying the countryside. We decided to explore the more touristy part of the Lake Baikal region and headed towards Taltsy and Listvyanka. Taltsy Museum In Taltsy you can find a nice open-air […]
Irkutsk, far away from Moscow in the middle of Siberia. After our time in Novosibirsk now the second Russian city we are visiting. Three nights in a hotel instead of camping, what a luxury, but from time to time also nice to enjoy some kind of city lifestyle. And Irkutsk […]
As we still had some time after visiting a couple of monasteries till our visa expires, we decided to explore the North of Mongolia in more detail. Due to the heavy rainfalls a couple of days ago we had to deviate ones more from the planned route and take the […]
In Mongolia the question is not if something breaks on your car, it is only when and what. Well, the “what” is simple to answer in our case. Our wheel bearings on the front axle went to hell after so many bad tracks during the last couple of weeks and […]
Khongoryn Els, the famous sand dunes of the Gobi desert in the South of Mongolia. Often we believe the desert looks like the well known sand dune photos, but in reality it is only a small part of it. Mainly it is a rather rocky and of course dry region […]
Finally the rain stopped in the morning and we nearly forgot about the collapsed bridge and the detour of 150 kilometres this was causing us. But not for long. Unfortunately the easy way in was rather difficult after the nightly rain, so we nearly got stuck in the deep mud. […]