After couple of days in Irkutsk it was time for us to leave the city again and start enjoying the countryside. We decided to explore the more touristy part of the Lake Baikal region and headed towards Taltsy and Listvyanka. Taltsy Museum In Taltsy you can find a nice open-air […]
Irkutsk, far away from Moscow in the middle of Siberia. After our time in Novosibirsk now the second Russian city we are visiting. Three nights in a hotel instead of camping, what a luxury, but from time to time also nice to enjoy some kind of city lifestyle. And Irkutsk […]
In Mongolia the question is not if something breaks on your car, it is only when and what. Well, the “what” is simple to answer in our case. Our wheel bearings on the front axle went to hell after so many bad tracks during the last couple of weeks and […]
Novosibirsk, a must see? Maybe not, but when you are in Western Siberia, why not having a stop and a look around. For us it has been a big surprise. We somehow expected the typical city build-up during Soviet Union times. And yes it is partly, but on the other […]
Novosibirsk, honestly we did not know much, if even anything about this city. However the name is to some extend famous, so we decided we have to go there and see it ourselves. Can you say you travelled through Russia, without visiting one of the big Russian cities? Maybe not… […]
Tash Rabat, an old caravanserai from the 15th century at the Old Silk Road. Well, we had plenty of them while travelling in Iran, but still, Tash Rabat is somehow special. The whole area, but also the architecture looks different, so for us worth the visit. If you just go […]
After two days in Bukhara, time was right for us to head out of the city again. After a wonderful early morning walk, we were ready to hit the street again, but still wonderful impressions from this last morning in Bukhara. Heading North towards Lake Aydarkul we decided to have […]
After nature and idyllic campsites in the Aral Sea region, it was time to explore the famous old Silk Road towns Khiva and Bukhara. Get a bit of Silk Road romantics so to say (thanks, Markus D. for using that term). 🙂 As we both are not the huge friends […]
Turkmenistan, what do you know about this country? Would guess not too much, most of us just know that it is not that well knows for its democratic structure, to state it politely. And honestly, it leaves you with a lot of question marks, ones you manage to visit. And […]