Escaping the city of Vancouver has been the right decision, instead of just wait for our car to be cleared by customs. So we decided to move to Squamish, not far away from Whistler. During our stay here we did couple of hikes in the mountains were already winter arrived. […]
Enough of city life in Vancouver? Well, there is so much more you can do in and especially around the city if you want to enjoy some nature and wildlife. Lynn Canyon Very close to Vancouver, this small park was kind of a surprise. Beautiful canyon formed by a small […]
Enjoying city life in Vancouver, why not if you have some days free as we do. When doing some preparations we figured out that Vancouver is one of the best cities to be in the world. Well, honestly we wonder how this might have happened. Vancouver has two sides, as any city […]
What to do when you arrive in Vancouver and still have to wait for your car to arrive? Well, you can explore Vancouver, what we will do later on, or you head out to Vancouver Island. And that is exactly what we did, so join us in exploring Vancouver Island. […]
Our first trip to Alaska in 2011 impressed us so much, that we had to come back once again. This time we traveled around Alaska and the Yukon Territory in Canada for 3 weeks. The weather was not supporting us too much this time, but that’s Alaska. However, it was […]