What to do when you arrive in Vancouver and still have to wait for your car to arrive? Well, you can explore Vancouver, what we will do later on, or you head out to Vancouver Island. And that is exactly what we did, so join us in exploring Vancouver Island.
In total we spent nine days on Vancouver Island, not always with great weather, but what to expect during November. Still we got what we were looking for, a mix of nice hiking options combined with the wilderness of the Canadian nature. We even had our first bear, but the light was so bad that we did not get a great shot.
There are so many great regions, with plenty of waterfalls…

… wild forests …

…and fantastic beaches.

The more North you get on Vancouver Island the wilder it gets, and the presence of humans if heavily degreasing. So you get more and more that feeling being in the wild again, something we were lacking last couple of weeks. But also the chances of spoting wildlife is increasing, from smaller birds up to large eagles.

But also in the South we were lucky, having one of the last salmon runs of the season at the Goldstream river …

… and also a huge amount of sea lions directly in the harbour.

However, Vancouver Island has also something to offer for the city lovers; Victoria. Capital of British Colombia and a rather relaxed city with some colonial times heritage.

Hoping for our car to arrive, for us it is now time to move on to Vancouver, using the time also to explore the city and surrounding area, so stay with us if you want to see more of Vancouver next time.