Enjoying city life in Vancouver, why not if you have some days free as we do. When doing some preparations we figured out that Vancouver is one of the best cities to be in the world. Well, honestly we wonder how this might have happened. Vancouver has two sides, as any city on this planet, but we never saw the dark side that visible as here. So we are wondering how so many others travellers are able to overlook that dark side of the coin?!
Mostly people visiting Vancouver do only see the bright and shiny version, like this one…

… but for some reason people ignore that there are others living on the streets and even consume hard drugs directly on the street next to them. While walking around we saw people injecting themselves drugs and passing it on to others or preparing their Crack pipes. And all that not hidden, still we did not take any pictures.

So very much mixed feelings when it comes to our time in Vancouver.
However, something we really enjoyed during our stay in Vancouver was the NHL game; Vancouver Canucks vs. Dallas Stars. Great experience and absolutely recommended if you are here and have a free evening.

Still there is so much more around Vancouver. Maybe one of the best thing is the closeness to nature and maybe that is what Vancouver is famous for, but more on this next time. 😉
In the meanwhile they hopefully offload our container and push it through customs quickly.

Source: https://www.apl.com/media/gallery