Sitting in front of a warming campfire in the Kroombit Tops NP and drafting a blog post is somehow strange, but on the other hand, why not. 🙂 Nights are long and cold out here. Blackdown Tablelands NP was somehow a surprise. We had not so much information in advance, […]
Once again re-planning, but that seems to be normal for us. 🙂 Originally we planned to stay one night at the Santa Rosa section and two nights at Carnarvon gorge, but in the end we decided to stay two days at Santa Rosa and three at Carnarvon gorge. The Santa […]
…of Queensland and it is still absolutely amazing out here. Not so many other people and no tourists from overseas at all (beside the two of us). The days in Diamantina NP were really nice and the sunset on the last evening made it not too easy for us to […]
Diamantina NP was not on our plan at all, but from Porcupine Gorge it was “just” a 570 kilometre drive away, so we decided to have a look, as we heard some nice things about this national park. But just after leaving, we had a need for a photo stop […]
After a weekend with sunshine, the rain unfortunately took over again – what a dry season! 🙂 So we decided to head west again, having a look into the Outback in Queensland to escape from the rain. But prior to that, we spent a nice morning at Alligator creek, watching […]
The wreck of the S.S. Yongala is famous for its marine life. The steam ship, that sunk in 1911 during a cyclone took more than 120 people with him in the depth, so it is today a mass grave and protected as such. So penetration of the wreck is not […]
Heading back south from the cape, the rain hit us unfortunately again so there was not so much we could do. At least we know now why they call it “Wet Tropics World Heritage Area”. Wallaman Falls in Girrigun NP are really beautiful, highest falls in Australia; still we were […]
It is a long way to “The Tip” of Australia, Cape York – approximately 1.000 kilometres north of Cairns. Nice trip for us, beautiful national parks on the way, like Iron Range or Lakefield. At the Bramwell Roadhouse you have to decide if you take the Old Telegraph Track (OTT) […]
Leaving Lakefield NP towards Iron Range NP was not too easy; we still had a lot of bird life in the morning, so the time passed by. On top of that, every now and then it happens that you miss 100km on a map and by doing so, you don’t […]