Mongolia – The long way to Khermen Tsav

It has been a very long way to Khermen Tsav, a very remote and isolated part of the Goby desert, but it was surely worth it.

But first things first. Leaving from the city of Altai we were optimistic to get to Khermen Tsav in about 2,5 days. Well in the end it took us four days to drive the approximately 800 kilometres, but that is part of the game. The weather on the way was surely not the best one, making the drive also not easier…

However it was a nice experience. We even had some luck with wildlife again, like two fighting Mongolian Pikas ones evening.

But also otherwise it was a good one…

And then finally, passing the last yurts into the Gobi desert…

… and crossing the first sand dunes, we made it to a wonderful camp spot, without having anybody else around us for a couple of square-kilometres. Interesting feeling, being that alone, but after a couple of times you are used to it and can really enjoy it. Like we did, a wonderful sunset and a nice evening by the campfire. It is so silent out here, you can even hear the silence.

Next morning they suddenly showed up, the first rock formations of the Khermen Tsav and yes, it was definitely worth the long drive, at least for us.

Absolutely amazing spot in the Gobi desert, so closing it with a short video message from Karin (in German only, sorry for that).

From here we are now heading for a short maintenance stop to the next village, stock up water and food supplies and then we are heading into the dunes of Khongoryn Els, exploring the Gobi desert a bit deeper. So stay with us, if you want to know more.