Ein großes Dankeschön an meine Geschwister und ihre Partner die sich so vielfältig und selbstlos um unsere Eltern kümmern. Ohne euch wäre unsere Reise nicht machbar, das kann ich nie wieder gut machen.
Also a big “thank you” to my former colleagues for all the kind words, best wishes and especially the grateful farewell gift.
Further thank you to all of our friends for so many great evenings (and sometime very long nights 🙂 ), surprises and nice talks which made it for us as hard as possible to leave.
Last but not least we have to mention Tanja & Lemmi: Without the opportunity to use your “Hangar” for so many hours, days, if not even weeks to build up our “Campi” and sometimes your helping hands it would have not been possible to have our car ready in time.