Originally this blog post was supposed to have a title like “Waterfall way” or so, as we were following the waterfall way for several days, but on the last morning it all changed. Coming back from a morning hike, we spotted a platypus in a river pool that quickly disappeared. […]
Yearly Archives: 2015
After a long journey of nearly 30.000 kilometres through Australia we are now finally in New South Wales and getting closer and closer to Sydney. So to say being on the last mile now. We saw a lot of things, were at amazing places and now the landscape changes once […]
Nice start in New South Wales after more than two months in Queensland. Somehow it is easy to belief that you saw everything and it will be just another rainforest, but coming to the Border Ranges NP we were really surprised. In parts of the national park you have the […]
Slowly spring is coming now also to Australia. A ranger told us that they had nearly 30 centimetres of snow some days ago, but now spring has arrived to Girraween national park. Absolutely beautiful, to see the granite formations the park is famous for and the first spring flowers. Even […]
Once again, back into the rain forest, escaping the crowds on the coast. Somehow hard to understand for us why most of the tourists stay always on the coast in Queensland. At the end a beach is a beach, sometimes nicer, sometimes not, but still a beach. Well, on the […]
Not the best visibility and just a few seconds of video material, but for us a simply unforgettable moment. So hard to believe that we saw this right in front of us… To watch the video in High Definition (HD), please follow this link to Vimeo.com. Um das Video in High […]
We did several whale watching tours during the past couple of years and mainly we saw the whales like this… But this changed today! Already the first whale we saw was breaching the surface several times and showing in an incredible way how these 25 tons animals are able to […]
After nearly a week on a small island, it was time again to stretch our legs and go for some hikes. What can be better than visiting some of the smaller national parks in Queensland, not so well known by tourists from overseas, instead of staying close to the coast? […]
Exiting dives around Lady Elliot Island, never saw so many Manta Rays at one spot then here. Just amazing… 🙂 And this is “just” a short subset of all the roughly 40 minutes raw video material. In that sense, take a four minute break, turn your speakers on, lean back, […]